List of Surnames (Pedigree Pages)

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?(0) ???(3)

A.(3) Abbot(2) Abbott(1) Abigail(2) Adams(1) Alden(20) Aldrich(11) Allen(5) Anderson(6) Andrews(5) Ann(1) Arey(13) Arnold(2) Atherton(10) Atkins(7) Atwood(5) Averill(11) Axtell(1) Ayers(1)

B.(1) Babcock(13) Bacon(1) Bailey(12) Baker(6) Ball(1) Bancroft(3) Bangs(6) Barnes(2) Barnhart(2) Barrett(2) Bartlett(4) Bascom(7) Bassett(2) Batchelder(13) Batt(1) Batts(1) Beal(1) Beaman(12) Bearse(2) Bellows(1) Berry(1) Best(1) Betsey(1) Bigelow(1) Bishop(2) Bixby(8) Black(2) Blakslee(2) Bliss(4) Boardman(16) Booth(3) Bootman(2) Borden(4) Bostwick(1) Bowker(7) Boynton(2) Bracelin(1) Bradbury(22) Bradford(2) Bradstreet(23) Brickett(7) Bridge(1) Briggs(1) Brigham(1) Brown(13) Buffum(1) Burke(2) Burnham(2) Burpee(2) Butler(7) Byrne(4)

Carpenter(3) Carver(7) Caswell(1) Catherine(1) Chaffee(2) Chamberlain(4) Chandler(2) Chapman(1) Chatard(1) Chever(1) Child(11) Childs(2) Clapp(1) Clark(47) Clarke(2) Codman(1) Colburn(2) Cole(4) Collins(4) Cook(2) Cooke(2) Cooling(1) Cooper(1) Corbet(1) Corbett(1) Cotton(1) Crosby(2) Cross(2) Cummings(7) Curry(1) Curtice(11) Curtis(10) Cutting(1)

Dalton(2) Damon(1) Day(1) Deacon(2) Decket(1) Delos Gould(1) Delos Reed(1) Deloy(1) Deney(1) Dennett(1) Dennison(6) Derby(1) Derth(1) Dexter(1) Dieterich(4) Dimack(1) Doane(12) Dodge(6) Dorman(14) Doughman(2) Dow(1) Drake(1) Drury(1) Durfee(1) Dustin(1) Dutton(2) Duty(2) Dwinell(20) Dyke(2)

E.(1) Eaton(3) Eberhardt(2) Eddy(5) Edmonds(2) Edson(1) Elderkin(4) Eldredge(1) Eldridge(1) Elizabeth(2) Ellenwood(10) Ellingwood(2) Ellinwood(4) Elliot(6) Ellis(1) Eltzroth(1) Emerson(1) Emmons(1) Everdon(8)

Farrington(1) Farwell(1) Felch(11) Felton(7) Ferguson(9) Ferrin(3) Field(15) Fisher(2) Fisk(13) Flagg(2) Fletcher(7) Flynn(2) Folsom(1) Foss(6) Foster(24) Frame(5) Freeman(1) French(24) Frie(1) Fry(1) Frye(2) Fulkerson(1) Fuller(10) Furness(1)

Garfield(7) Gater(1) Gates(1) Gerst(4) Getchell(2) Giddings(1) Gilbert(3) Giles(1) Gilmore(8) Gleason(1) Goddard(1) Godfrey(12) Goldsmith(7) Goodale(2) Goodell(1) Goodridge(3) Goodwin(1) Gould(1820) Graham(1) Gray(1) Green(6) Greene(2) Greenwood(1) Griffiths(1)

Hale(3) Hall(1) Hamilton(7) Handell(1) Hannah(4) Harding(11) Harley(7) Harris(3) Harrison(2) Hart(7) Hartshorn(1) Harvey(1) Hatch(2) Haven(2) Hayford(4) Haynes(1) Hendricks(1) Henley(2) Herrick(15) Herron(1) Hichborn(3) Hickenlooper(2) Hicks(5) Higgins(3) Hitchborn(10) Hobbs(1) Holcomb(1) Holden(1) Holmes(1) Holroyd(2) Holt(4) Holton(2) Hood(40) Hopkins(4) Horne(3) Horner(3) Horton(9) Hosmer(9) How(5) Howard(2) Howe(4) Hubbard(7) Hurd(17) Hutchinson(1)


Jackson(2) Jacobs(5) Jameson(3) Janes(1) Jenkins(1) Jennings(1) Jepherson(1) Jewett(5) Joan(1) Joanne(1) Johnnot(1) Johnson(6) Jones(1) Jr.(1)

Kellogg(1) Kendrick(12) Kenrick(8) Kent(2) Keyes(1) Killam(8) Kimball(10) Kimile(1) Kinney(2) Knight(8) Knowles(1) Korenland(1)

L.(3) Lackey(1) Lake(33) Lamson(14) Larzilee(7) Latham(2) Lawrence(2) Lawson(6) Lazelle(1) Leach(2) Leeman(1) LeValley(1) Linnell(21) Little(2) Littlefield(2) Lombard(1) Long(7) Longfellow(5) Looke(3) Lovejoy(3) Lucy(1) Luther(7) Lyman(12)

M.(4) Madison(5) Mansfield(1) Marble(1) Marcy(1) Marsh(8) Marston(10) Martha(2) Marvell(1) Mary(7) Mason(4) Mather(3) Maynard(1) Mayo(36) McClintock(2) McDonagh(1) McGrath(2) McMurtrie(3) McWain(9) MD(1) Meady(4) Mecum(4) Megrath(2) Mehitable(1) Meldrum(1) Melendy(2) Mellen(6) Merrill(10) Messenger(2) Metcolf(1) Meyers(3) Miller(1) Mitchell(4) Molly(1) Montague(1) Moore(3) Morey(5) Morgan(1) Morse(2) Moulton(4) Muir(10) Muncey(1) Munday(3) Murray(3) Myers(4)

Newmarch(8) Nichols(6) Nickerson(6) Nims(5) Norton(1) Noyes(4)

Ober(1) Owen(1)

Packard(2) Page(28) Paine(1) Palmer(4) Parker(27) Parmalee(11) Parmelee(1) Patch(11) Paterson(10) Paul(14) Peabody(12) Peak(1) Pearsall(7) Peasley(1) Peck(15) Pereley(12) Perkins(43) Perley(72) Perry(4) Pettengill(6) Phelps(1) Phillips(8) Phinney(5) Pidge(1) Pierce(29) Piper(1) Pitson(1) Plant(1) Plummer(2) Poor(3) Pope(4) Porter(8) Potter(1) Pottle(2) Pratt(3) Priest(12) Prince(3) Pritchard(13) Proctor(11) Putnam(5)


Randall(5) Rapallo(3) Ray(1) Read(1) Rebecca(1) Redfield(3) Redington(7) Reed(3) Revere(1) Rew(1) Reynolds(3) Rice(2) Richardson(1) Ridley(1) Ring(2) Roberts(5) Robinson(18) Rood(11) Rose(1) Ross(2) Routson(7) Royce(2) Ruppert(1) Russell(8) Ruth(3)

S.(2) Sanborn(1) Sanders(1) Sanderson(5) Sanger(1) Sarah(1) Saunders(6) Sawtell(10) Scott(1) Searle(5) Sears(3) Sessions(15) Seward(2) Shader(1) Shaw(9) Shedd(1) Sibley(14) Skinner(4) Small(5) Smith(67) Snow(2) Soper(2) Spaulding(2) Spear(2) Sperry(13) Stanley(25) Stearns(12) Stephens(1) Stetson(1) Stevens(6) Stewart(2) Stickney(7) Stiles(12) Stocking(1) Stockwell(4) Stone(8) Stratton(1) Straw(1) Stump(1) Styles(2) Sumner(9) Susanna(1) Swan(1) Symonds(4)

Tarbell(9) Tarbox(4) Taylor(10) Temple(7) Thankful(1) Thayer(1) Thomas(9) Thompson(8) Thornton(1) Thurlow(1) Thurston(1) Tilden(9) Todd(12) Tolles(2) Town(1) Towne(49) Townsend(8) Tracy(4) Trask(1) Treadwell(1) Trefethan(1) Tukey(1) Turner(4) Twitchell(5)

Unknown(2) Upton(2)

Valentine(1) Vaughan(2)

Waite(1) Walker(3) Wallis(2) Walton(2) Ward(3) Wardwell(1) Warren(10) Way(2) Weatley(7) Webb(1) Webber(1) Webster(1) Weeden(1) Welch(2) Welsh(2) Wentworth(7) Weston(8) Wheeler(13) Wheelock(1) White(5) Whiting(1) Whitney(14) Wilder(10) Wildes(1) Wilkins(1) Willard(1) Willet(1) Williams(6) Wilson(1) Wing(1) Winifred(1) Winslow(4) Wood(6) Woodman(1) Woods(2) Woodward(21) Wotton(30) Wright(9) Wunnenberg(2)

Yates(1) Young(23)

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