Index for surnames beginning with p (Descendancy Pages)
[Power, James ] - [Pysom, Marian A. ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [P., Calista ] - [Patten, Mary ]
[Patten, Mary E. T. ] - [Pike, Nancy Rose ]
[Pilmer, Margaret ] - [Powell, John Shipley ]
[Power, James ] - [Pysom, Marian A. ]
Power, James {I10056} Power, Nathaniel (Capt) {I11590} Powers, James {I01953} Powers, Nathaniel {I01954} Powers, Nathaniel {I10826} Powers, William {I12443} Powers, William {I12444} Pratt, Fanny Amanda {I04956} Pratt, Fanny Amanda {I04761} Pratt, Grace Elizabeth {I01323} (b. 15 FEB 1887 - d. JAN 1986)
Pratt, Lottie Mary {I07726} Pratt, Lottie Mary {I07730} (b. APR 1884 - d. BEF 1930)
Preble, Haskell {I11370} Preston, Syrena {I00852} (d. 19 FEB 1832)
Price, Colonel Franklin {I08729} Price, Ronald Fredrick {I01344} Priest, Abbie M. {I01104} (b. JUN 1850)
Priest, Carlos P. {I05950} (b. 1854)
Prince, Caleb {I02057} Prince, Cora {I07074} Prince, Susannah {I00408} (b. 3 FEB 1760 - d. 10 NOV 1838)
Pritchard, Sarah Sears {I00231} Proctor, Betsey {I05958} Proctor, Capt. William {I08653} Proctor, Letty {I08846} (b. --Not Shown--)
Proctor, Letty L. {I02044} (d. 16 OCT 1993)
Proctor, Lila Gertrude {I08842} (b. 11 NOV 1903)
Proctor, Patty {I05357} (b. 19 MAR 1785 - d. 16 MAR 1875)
Prosser, Lula Belle {I03795} (b. ABT 1880 - d. 12 AUG 1922)
Prout, James {I10485} Prudance, {I02995} (b. ABT 1644)
Pumpelly, Robert {I06267} Punchard, John {I05427} Punchard, Mary {I00373} (b. 22 JUN 1754 - d. 11 JUL 1824)
Purney, Deacon Thomas {I01933} Purney, Harriet {I09824} Purney, Thomas {I01845} (b. ABT 1800 - d. BEF 1846)
Purney, Thomas C. {I09134} (b. ABT 1837)
Purves, George {I08766} Putnam, Abigail {I03743} Putnam, Albert Dana {I05721} Putnam, Andrew J. {I09607} (b. 27 FEB 1832 - d. 6 NOV 1880)
Putnam, Archie L. {I04764} (b. ABT 1889 - d. 21 JAN 1974)
Putnam, Ellsworth {I04438} Putnam, Ephraim {I09600} Putnam, Ephraim Hildreth {I09605} (b. 5 JUL 1805 - d. 14 JUN 1864)
Putnam, Hannah {I04864} Putnam, Israel {I09198} Putnam, John A. {I02360} (b. 4 NOV 1823 - d. 22 MAR 1889)
Putnam, Jonathon {I03971} (b. 14 SEP 1769 - d. 27 SEP 1843)
Putnam, Mary Ann {I02530} Putnam, Nathan {I09604} (b. 12 DEC 1798)
Pysom, Marian A. {I01338}